A scraper-chain conveyor channel section comprises a pair of side walls and a floor plate extending between the side walls and connecting the side walls together. Each of the side walls has upper, lower and intermediate inwardly-extending flanges. The floor plate is connected to the intermediate flanges of the two side walls. Each of the side walls is constituted by an upper profiled bar and a lower profiled bar, each of the profiled bars being a generally U-shaped rolled section. Each of the lower profiled bars has a bottom flange and a top flange parallel to the bottom flange. The top flange of each lower profiled bar forms a support surface for the associated upper profiled bar, and constitutes part of the intermediate flange of the associated side wall. Each of the side walls is provided with a connecting bar for laterally supporting the associated upper profiled bar. Each of the connecting bars is secured to the exterior of the associated lower profiled bar, and projects upwardly beyond the top flange of that lower profiled bar.
发明作者:Грюндкен Дитер;Реддер Манфред;Ролинг Франц;Зауэр Михаэль;Шооп Гунтер-Дитмар
申请人:Геверкшафт Эйзенхютте Вестфалия (Фирма);

The invention relates to chain scraper conveyors for mining enterprises. The purpose of the invention is to increase the degree of interchangeability of parts and reliability of the section by increasing the rigidity of its structural elements. Figure 1 shows a section of a groove of a chain scraper conveyor for mining enterprises, a transverse section; FIG. 2 shows a side profile of the section disassembled with two variants of the upper V-shaped rolled section, the cross-section in FIGS. 3-4 is the same when assembled; Figures 6, 6 and 7 show various options for making and joining the bottom with intermediate shelves of the side profiles; Fig. 8 is a side view of the gutter; in fig. 9 - the junction of the upper and lower sheets bottom, bottom view; in fig. 10 is a section A-A in FIG. 9 (rotated); Fig. 1 is a sectional connecting strap, side view; in fig. 12 is a section BB in FIG. 11. The chute section of the chain scraper conveyor for mining companies includes side profiles 1 and a metal bottom, 2 on which a working body with at least one centrally located chain 3 or with two side chains 4 is located. Each side profile 1 contains a lower V -shaped katanuiz profile part / 5 and the upper V-shaped rolled profile part 6 shsh The lower profile parts 5 are made with the lower 8 and the upper 9 shelves arranged parallel to each other and equal in length. The upper profile parts 6 and 7 are filled with the lower 10 and upper flanges, the same as the shelves 8 and 9 k, directed to the center of the section. The bottom shelf 8 is the bottom side profile shelf 1, while the top shelf 9 together with the bottom shelf 10 corresponding to the upper section 6 or 7 forms the intermediate shelf of the side profile I. The top shelf 11 of the upper section 6 or 7 is the top flange of this side profile 1. Profile I of the lower profile part 5 is a standard rolled profile with which the uneven profile of the upper profile part 7 can be combined or another profile of the upper profile hour 6. In this case, the lower profile part 5 is made so that its internal profile is suitable for choice both for guiding the scrapers attached to the side chains 4 (figure 5) and for guiding the scrapers attached to at least one centrally located chain 3. The inner surface of the lower flange 8 has a flat section 12 in transverse section, which is inclined to the horizontal at an angle approximately equal to 19 ° and extends from the inner surface of the wall 13 to the inflection point 14. The segment 15 between the inflection point 14 and free butt ohm 16 shelves 8 sloping towards the horizontal at an angle of about 9. The section 15 of the inner surface of the lower flange 8 of the lower V-shaped rolled section 5 is designed for flawless. river direction of the external circuits of the working body 4. The upper shelf 9 of each lower V-shaped rolled section 5 is made with bend 17 to the internal surface that is located above bend 14. Section 18 between the internal surface of wall 13 and bend 17 is inclined to the horizontal at an angle , approximately 35 °, while the section 19 between the bend 17 and the free end 20 of the upper flange 9 is located approximately horizontally. The indicated angles of inclination are chosen for the 4o side chains most rapidly moving in the gutter section. It is understood that the angles of inclination of surfaces 12 and 15, respectively 18 and 19, can be different for the corresponding round link chains. Here, first of all, it is important that the angles of inclination of the inner surface of the shelves 8 and 9 to the horizontal in the areas between the bends and the ends of the shelves 8 and 9 are smaller than its angles to the horizontal. The zones between the bends and the wall of the lower profile 5 are made below. the outer side in the transition region between the wall 3 and the upper shelf 9 with a rolled profile recess 21. To the outer side of the wall 13 of the V-shaped profile part 5 is attached a connecting strip 22, which also functions as a supporting element. Each connecting strip 22 is fixed on the outer side of the lower section 5 with the possibility of its upper edge being located above the surface 23 of the upper flange and the section 5. Each connecting strip 22 is formed with at least one longitudinal edge 24 on its inner side, which is inserted into the profile recess 21. In addition, the connecting strips 22 are connected to the profile parts 5 at points 25 and 26 by welding. The upper profile part 6 consisting of a rolled profile is applicable only for guiding the scrapers if they are attached to a centrally located chain 4. Its upper flange 11 is made shorter than its lower flange 10, which consequently projects beyond the end of the upper flange 11, the internal profile the surface of the part 6 serving to the direction of the scrapers is formed by two internal surfaces 27 and 28 converging to the wall of the profile part 6. The surface 27 is inclined to the horizontal at an angle equal to 19, and the surface 28 is at an angle equal to 30 °. The magnitude by which lower shelf 10 is longer than upper shelf 11 is approximately equal to the distance from kinks 14 and 17 to free ends 16 and, respectively, 20 mating shelves 8 and 9 of the profile section. Top profile part 6. is welded to the connecting plan at point 29 22. In addition, the lower shelf 10 which is supported on the upper shelf of the profile part 5, at point 30 is welded with the upper shelf 9 of this profile part 5, the upper profile part 6 is made on its outer side in the transition region between its lower shelf 10 with rolled product The recess 3.1, which, together with the profile recess 21, forms a grophilic recess of the side profile, extending over the length of the gutter section and closed by the interposer 22, the connecting strip 22 terminates under the upper shelf 1I of the upper profile part 6. It extends approximately from the middle of the lower profile part 5 to a distance approximately equal to the height of the transition region between the wall of the upper flange 11 of the upper section 6. FIG. 4 shows the side profile of the gutter section, which is formed from two identical profile parts 5 and 7. Also here, the upper profile part 7 is supported by its lower horizontal shelf IO on the upper shelf 9 of the lower profile part 5. Since the upper profile part 7 has a large height than the height of the section 6, the weld 29 is located approximately at the height of the middle of the top section 7. The side profile according to FIG. 4 is intended for the gutter sections, which are used in scraper conveyors with two side chains. As with the side profile shown in Fig. 3, and with the side profile shown in Fig. 4, the upper profile part 6, respectively, the profile part 7 with the outer side of its profile wall abuts against the protruding connecting strip 22, Fig. 5- 7 shows various embodiments and connections of the metal bottom 2 with intermediate shelves of the side profiles 1. According to the first embodiment (FIG. 3), the metal bottom 2 is made in the form of one durable metal sheet. 32, the thickness of which is equal to the sum of the thicknesses of the ends of the shelves 9 and 10 of the profile parts 5 and 7, Metal, sheet 32 of the bottom 2 is welded at points 33 and 34 with both shelves 9 and 10, The other side profile of the gutter section is respectively complete and welded accordingly to the metal sheet 32 bottoms 2.. The metal bottom 2 can be made in the form of the upper 35 n lower 36 sheets arranged one on another without a gap. In this case, the bottom bottom sheet 36 is connected to the upper shelves 9 of the lower profile parts 5 by welding. The thickness of the sheet 36 corresponds approximately to the thickness of the upper flange 9. The upper metal sheet 35 of the bottom, the thickness of which is approximately equal to the thickness of the lower flange 10 of the upper part 7, can be welded between the two lower shelves 10 of the upper profile part 7, but it can also function as a metal the sheet working on wear and established removable with a possibility of replacement. Also, the upper metal sheet 35 of the bottom can be firmly welded to the lower shelves 10 of both upper profile parts 7. The lower sheet 36 of the metal bottom welded to the upper shelves 9 of both lower profile parts 5 forms, together with these profile parts 5, a guide box for scrapers lower branches. Accordingly, the metal bottom welded to the low shelves 10 of the two upper profile parts 7 forms, together with these parts 7, a guide box for the scrapers of the upper branch. Both guide boxes for sherkhney scrapers and lower branches of the traction body could be firmly and inseparably connected to each other by welding 37 parts 7 with two connecting strips 22 in place. Also the upper guide box formed by the upper V-shaped sections 7 and the bottom bottom sheet 35, which is welded to them, can be detachable and a replacement can be connected to the lower guide box by means of bolts 38. Horizontal bolts 38 pass through the holes provided for them in the walls of the V-shaped profile s parts 7 and in the connecting plankyh 22. And each bolt 38 is horizontal with skoschennoy head 39 is placed in the hole kotor1a upper rolled V- shaped profile portion 7 is flush with the inner surface. Bolts 38 can be fixed in the holes by means of gulls 40, which are screwed onto the bolts 38 from the outside of the side profiles 1. The connecting strips 22 are located along the gutter section by almost all of it. They are made of forgings. Each strap 22 can be made in several, for example, two parts. 6 Then each part of the interposer 22 will be approximately equal to half the length of the gutter section or slightly shorter than half the section length. The details of each connecting strip 22 with their ends turned to each other through protruding ribs 24 are interconnected by welding and with the lower section-part 5. At both ends of the gutter section, connecting strips 22, respectively, their parts are made with bolt sockets 41, with trunnion the protrusion 42 and, accordingly, the trunnion recess 43, which in a known manner serve to join the sections of the grooves. Counter bolts are also inserted into the bolt seats 41, which fasten the sections; gutters with required tensile strength, while in the horizontal and vertical planes of the gutter section can be slightly bent relative to each other. The trunnions 42 enter the recesses 43. under the trunnions of the adjacent gutter section. The connecting strips 22, respectively, of their parts according to FIG. 6 are made at least with two rows of 44.45 holes arranged one above the other, arranged along the length of the gutter section and made in the form of a longitudinal spline, both ends of which are designed as sockets 46 for bolts location of bolt heads in them, with the help of which usually removable parts can be attached to the side profile of sections of the yellow connector bar 22 can also be executed as a single part, the length of which in this case is equal to the section length or ko shorter than her. Fig. 11.12 shows a connecting bar which is made with a third row of bolt sockets 47, pa: distributed along its length. The sockets 47 are open to the upper edge of the interposer so that the fastening bolts can be inserted from above into these sockets 47. The fixing of the removable parts in this case can be done by means of two rows of bolts, and the bolts are optionally inserted into the sockets 47 of the upper sockets. or in the sockets 46 of both below located rows. Connective
the strap 22, according to its detail, also has, by pressing, the ribs 24 lying between the two rows of sockets 44 and 45 and entering, as described above, into longitudinal recesses of the side profiles.
The top sheet 35 of the metal bottom can also be designed as removable and replaceable lisTd working for wear (see Fig. 6). The bottom fox 36 of the metal bottom 2 is made with the recesses 48 in the form of windows in which the fittings 49 are welded close to both ends of the gutter section and in the vicinity of both side profiles. The top sheet 35 of the metal base has fixing elements on its underside. L-shaped legs 50, Each piece of detail 49 is made with two openings facing one another nests 51.
When installing the top sheet 35 of the metal bottom on the bottom sheet 36 of the bottom 2 of the tab 50, enter the remaining free holes 52 of the recess 48 by shifting the metal sheet 35 of the bottom 2 in the direction of movement of the material being transported, the tabs 50 slide under the fittings 49 into the slots 5, as a result wherein the metal sheet 35 of the bottom 2 is fixed relative to the bottom metal sheet 36 of the bottom. At the opposite direction of movement of the transported material, the top sheet 35 of the metal bottom turns 180 and on the other side, pushes it 50 pads: one of the fittings 49 in the nest 51 so that the top sheet 35 of the bottom cannot be shifted when the movement direction of the transported material is changed in the direction of movement, the material is transported, and held from removal by the tabs 50.
The section of the groove of the chain scraper conveyor for mining enterprises is assembled as follows.
First, carrier strips 22 are attached to the lower Y-shaped rolls 5, then a metal bottom 2 or its bottom plate 36 is welded to the upper shelves 9 of parts 5
After that, on the upper shelves of the 9 lower parts, the upper
i-shaped rolled profile parts 6 or 7, assembled with the top sheet 35 of the metal bottom with or without 2, In the case where the upper
the bottom sheet 35 is removable, then it is secured to the bottom sheet 36 by means of the locking elements 50 in this manner. After all this, the top guide box
for scrapers, the upper branch of the traction unit is connected to the lower guide box, namely to the connecting bars 22, mounted on the lower guide box, using 5 means of welding and a bolt joint.
The tie bars 22 can function as carriers;
0 can serve as a guide for masters or act as mounting plates to which parts of such a guide or other removable parts can be attached,
Claims (9)
1. Section of the groove of the chain scraper conveyor for mining enterprises, including side profiles, each of which is made with a longitudinal recess located on its outer side between the walls located one above the other upper and lower.
There are 5 V-shaped rolled sections with the upper and lower shelves directed to the center of the section with internal surfaces and ends, and a metal bottom located between the lower shelves of the upper V-shaped rolled sections and upper shelves. lower V-shaped rolled sections with intermediate flanges of side profiles and connected with them with the possibility of forming guide boxes for scrapers, respectively, of the upper and lower branches of the pulling body, while the upper shelf
0 each lower V-shaped rolled section of the profile is made with a bend on its inner surface, ko-. The torus in the zone between the bend and the end of the upper flange is horizontally horizontal, and in the zone between the bend and the wall of the lower V-shaped rolled part, it is angled to the horizontal, which in order to increase the degree of interchangeability of parts and reliability of the section, it is provided with connecting strips with upper edges and ends, mounted on the BHeraHkx sides of the lower V-shaped rolled sections with the possibility of their upper edges above the upper shelves of the lower V-shaped katanas profiled parts and the abutment in their upper V-shaped rolled profile parts.
2.Section on I. 1, about tl and h and yus and so that the bottom shelf of each lower V-shaped rolled section has a bend on its inner surface, while the angle of inclination of the inner surface of this shelf to the horizontal in the area between the bend and end of the lower flange are made smaller than its angle of inclination to the horizontal in the area between the bend and the wall of the lower V-shaped Kathan Profsh1; Noah parts.
3. Section according to PP.1 and 2, that is, that the upper and lower V-shaped rolled profile parts of each side profile are made detachable in shape and size, with the upper V-shaped katana, the profile part has a height less than the height of the lower V-shaped rolled section, and the upper shelf of the upper V-shaped rolled section is shorter than its lower shelf.
4. Section 1, characterized by the fact that the connecting bar is made at least with two rows of holes arranged one above the other for fastening the detachable parts to the side profile of the section.
5. Section according to claims 1 and 4, that is, so that the connecting strips are fixed on the outer sides of the lower V-shaped rolled sections by means of –snoki.
6. Sek1sh on PP.1,4,5, about tl i43. This is because each connecting rod is made in one piece.
7. The section of the trough according to claims 1, 4, 5, characterized in that each connecting part of the rail is made in the form of several parts interconnected nd to the ends by welding. 8610
8. The section according to claims, 1.4-7, characterized in that the upper edges of the connecting strips are located below the upper shelves, the upper V-shaped rolled sections.
9. The section on PP., 4-8, about t is with the fact that each connecting bar is made with at least one longitudinal edge on its inner side, placed in the longitudinal recess of the side profile and connected to the upper shelf of the lower V-shape rolled irophil part by welding. 0. Section according to claims 1–3, the thickness of the metal bottom is equal to the sum of the thicknesses of the ends of the lower shelf of the upper V-shaped rolled section and the end of the upper shelf of the lower V-shaped profile, and the metal bottom is connected to the lower shelf of the upper V-shaped rolled section and the upper shelf of the lower V-shaped rolled section by welding. 11. The section according to claims 1 and 1 O, which is characterized by the fact that the metal bottom is made in the form of lower and upper sheets, while the lower sheet is connected to the upper shelves of the lower V-shaped profile parts by welding, and. the upper sheet is located on the lower sheet and between the lower shelves of the upper V-shaped rolled sections. 12. Section according to claims 1, 10, 11, characterized by the fact that the top sheet of the metal bottom, located on the bottom of the sheet and between the lower shelves of the fux V-shaped wire, of the profile parts, is installed with the possibility of replacement. 13. Section according to PP. 1, 10, 11, which means that the upper sheet of the metal bottom is connected to the lower shelves of the upper-shaped rolled section parts by welding. 14. Section on PP.1,10-i 2, distinction 1 with the fact that the bottom sheet of the metal bottom is made with a recess and fittings fixed in it, and the top sheet of the metal bottom has fixing elements on its bottom side. installed with the ability to interact with the fittings, 15. Section according to claims 1, I0-12,14, characterized in that each fitting piece is made with two openings facing each other, and each fixing element is made in the form of an L-shaped legs installed with the possibility of placing in one or another slot shaped parts when moving the material on the bottom in one or the other direction. 16. Section according to claims 1–9, which is a matter of course, that the upper V-shaped rolled section parts are connected to the connecting strips by welding, 17. The section on P-. 1, which means that the guide box for scrapers of the upper branch of the first 1 V77 //// 7 //
IfrtfRZ your body connected to the guide. box for scrapers of the lower branch of the traction organ with the possibility of replacement. 18. Section according to claims 1 to 9, 16, which means that the walls of the upper V-shaped rolled sections are made with holes and are connected to the connecting strips by means of horizontal bolts placed in the holes of the upper V-shaped rolled sections and connecting bars. 19. Section according to PP.1 and 18, that is, each horizontal bolt is complete with a beveled head placed in the hole of the upper V-shaped rolled section that is flush with its inner surface. /////////////////. l VVVvVVN;
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